The Long Itchington History Group aims to promote an understanding and further knowledge of local history. Meetings are held every month from September to May at the village Community Centre with a programme of talks and walks reflecting topics of local and general interest.

Talks are predominately about the local area often by local speakers. Some of the presentations explore themes within Warwickshire and beyond, related to wider social, economic and political events and trends. The group has hosted other Warwickshire local groups as they have walked around our village rich in history.

Members of the history group are drawn from a diverse range of people. Some are local residents who have lived in the area all their lives. We also have people who have moved into the area and have lived in the village for differing lengths of time but who wish to learn more about where they now live.

Members also come from further afield with an interest in local history. A real strength of the group is the continuing support and interest shown by people with a great variety of backgrounds, knowledge and experience.